Staff Benefits

Life / Work Balance Charter

The Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust has at its foundation the principles of the Christian faith and is particularly guided by the statement in John 10:10 where Jesus proclaims, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. The Trust directors have therefore used this quote from the gospel to guide its first vision statement – life in its fullness, for all. We want all our pupils AND our staff members to be able to experience life in its full; for this to occur staff must have a good life / work balance. This charter therefore sets out our commitment within the organisation at all levels to ensure that staff feel they have the right balance in their lives; to reinforce this we have used the phrase life / work balance rather than work / life balance to reiterate the need to prioritise our whole lives rather than the work element. We believe that this charter not only supports our Christian mission but also ensures we are a good employer to our staff, therefore helping to promote retention of colleagues.

To read the full document click here

Staff Well-Being

We know our well-being can be impacted upon by a number of issues both from our place of work and home life. We build up resilience and strategies to enable us to manage these on a daily basis, but sometimes they can spill over and it impacts on how we feel, how we engage with those around us and how we perform. BDMAT has invested in a number of initiatives and products that can help address these.

Adult Mental Health First Aider

Accessing a trained mental Health First aider is as important for our staff as it is for our pupils. We are investing in training for staff to take on these roles. Initially there will be one per hub and our ambition is to provide one per school by 2024.

Career Planning

Enabling you to access progression opportunities though a Career Plan not only looks at how we support you in your current role but also how we can invest to help your longer term career development. We are developing ‘Talent’ pools where staff will be able to identify their next career step and be alerted when opportunities arise.

Cash Plan

Access to BHSF cash plan scheme can help spread the cost of eye care, dentistry and some other medical treatments. Normally the bronze package cost £10 per month if you access it individual but through BDMAT salary scarify scheme you can access the same pack for £5.95 per month. Other investment levels are also available at a discounted rate as well as adding family members to your policy.

Cycle to Work Scheme

Although badged under cycling to work this is not a requirement for you to be able to access the scheme. It covers bikes and accessories so you can purchase everything you need to be safe on the road. The scheme workings in partnership with a number of retailers including Halfords and Evans. The website links take you to their affordability cost calculators and application process.

Disability Confident

As a Disability Confident Committed Employer we have committed to:

  • ensure our recruitment process is inclusive and accessible
  • communicating and promoting vacancies
  • offering an interview to disabled people
  • anticipating and providing reasonable adjustments as required
  • supporting any existing employee who acquires a disability or long term health condition, enabling them to stay in work
  • at least one activity that will make a difference for disabled people

BDMAT Disability Confident Certificate

Dying to work charter

We have committed to the dying to work charter:

  • We recognise that terminal illness requires support and understanding and not additional and avoidable stress and worry.
  • Terminally ill workers will be secure in the knowledge that we will support them following their diagnosis and we recognise that, safe and reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and can be therapeutic in itself.
  • We will provide our employees with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families which helps them through this challenging period with dignity and without undue financial loss.
  • We support the TUC’s Dying to Work campaign so that all employees battling terminal illness have adequate employment protection and have their death in service benefits protected for the loved ones they leave behind.

EEDI Forum (Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)

A focus on Equality Diversity and Inclusion are key to ensure all staff are valued and included in the workplace. The forum is a space to discuss and develop best practice and ensure BDMATs values can be seen in action.

Employer with Heart

We are committed to the employer with heart charter in order to support parents with premature babies and we agree to:

  • Extend maternity leave for mothers who give birth prematurely (before 37 weeks gestation) by the number of days a baby was born prior to their due date. We will pay extended leave at full pay and this may be classed as compassionate leave.
  • Give dads the time they need to be with their baby in hospital, receiving at least two weeks’ paid compassionate leave on the birth of their premature baby. Fathers may wish to save or split their paternity leave, being there when their baby comes home from hospital. We understand that plans may change depending upon the baby’s medical needs, that additional compassionate leave may be required and that the date a baby will come home from hospital is rarely set in stone.
  • Support parents returning to work following the birth of a premature baby. We understand that returning to work can be a difficult time for parents of premature babies and that babies born too soon can have ongoing medical needs, requiring regular hospital appointments and check-ups. We therefore follow the ACAS best practice guidance, considering formal and informal flexible working patterns and offering additional paid or unpaid leave.

To find out more about employer with heart, please click here

GP Service

Gaining access to a GP can often be time consuming and the wait for an appointment can prevent you getting a prescription or putting your mind at rest if you have a health concern. BDMAT GP 24/7 access service is provided through BSHF and can provide prescriptions as well.

Health Assured

This is an employee assistance programme (EAP) to support you through life’s issues and problems.

Health Assured EAP leaflet

Loans and savings

All employees of BDMAT can save or borrow through payroll with Churches Mutual, a credit union owned and run by the people who use its services. Save and borrow with the payments deducted at source from your salary for a simple and painless way to build up a rainy day fund or to access our lowest rate loans.


Lastly, we have introduced additional policies to support staff well-being as below. All BDMAT policies are reviewed regularly to ensure they reflect our vision and values.

Our policies also include:

Flexible Working – to enable staff to apply for a change in working hours to meet their home work balance needs. All requests are reviewed in line with the policy requirements.

Menopause Policy – reflecting the needs and concerns of staff experiencing changes that may impact on their work.

Staff Forum

BDMAT listens to staff and we act on what we hear where ever possible and within our funding. The Forums are a place where ideas and issues can be shared, discussed to improve our working environment.

Tech Scheme

This scheme gives access to purchases through a voucher system with Curry’s Retailer for laptops, phone, IT and white goods. The website allows you to work out how much you want to spend and the affordability. You apply on line and once the application is completed you receive the voucher to spend either on line or in store. Although its called a tech scheme, most of Curry’s products are available through the scheme.


Investing in training and development is essential to enable staff to build skills and to be highly efficient and effective in their jobs which in turn helps to increase job satisfaction. We provide training opportunities on the BDMAT Intranet from inhouse courses to training events and external accredited courses.

Wellness Action Plans

Discussing what impacts on mental health with your line manager enables you both to understand the stresses you experience and workplace needs. Working through an action plan can help agree what support you may need.

Well-being day

BDMAT is providing you with a day where you can either invest in your own well-being, take time to celebrate your birthday or watch your children in a play or sports day. This forms part of our Special Leave.