Christian Distinctiveness Team

Jane Martin

Christian Distinctiveness Advisor

Jane Martin is a Christian Distinctiveness Advisor for BDMAT.  She began her teaching career in a Church of England VA school in 1985 and after some time out to raise her family, worked for four years as a RE specialist and subject leader at a CE (VA) School. She gained a MEd in Religious Education from Birmingham University in 2000 which included a Church of England Schools focus. After teaching in two community schools, Jane completed the NPQH and took up Headship at a CE (VA) School where she remained for thirteen years until she took early retirement in summer 2018. During her headship the school was judged by SIAS/SIAMS to be outstanding in all areas in 2008, 2013 and 2018. The school was judged to be outstanding in all areas by Ofsted in 2013.  Jane was particularly active in implementing research led practice and passionate about leading with a gospel and moral imperative. Retirement gives Jane increased capacity for Church school advisory work, and she remains committed to Church school education that ensures ‘fullness of life’ for the school communities she supports.

Jill Stolberg

Christian Distinctiveness Advisor

Jill Stolberg is a Christian Distinctiveness Advisor for BDMAT, in addition to her role advising on Church School Distinctiveness for the Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education. She began her teaching career in a Church of England VA school in 1983 and, after teaching in primary schools, she moved to Higher Education, training primary teachers with a particular focus on Religious Education, but also working with the Westhill RE Centre, providing distance learning support for serving teachers. She gained a MEd in Religious Education from Birmingham University in 1997. Beginning as an officer for the Board of Education in 2006, she leads training in Religious Education, Collective Worship for headteachers, teachers and clergy, as well as serving on four local Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (SACREs).  Jill also provides training and support to colleagues in developing and maintaining church school distinctiveness and in responding to the expectations of the Section 48 inspection schedule (SIAMS).  Occasional days when Jill advises for BDMAT are likely to be Mondays and Wednesdays.