Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (BDMAT) was created in 2017 to provide an option for the family of Church Schools and academies in the Birmingham Diocese to join a multi-academy Trust, meeting the requirements for governance for Church of England schools. Both the Birmingham Diocese and BDMAT are committed to the provision of high-quality Christian education. BDMAT was established as a ‘mixed-MAT’, allowing non-Church of England schools to be members as long as they support the MAT’s aims.
BDMAT is governed by a Trust Board of Directors. The Trust Board has overall legal responsibility for the operation of BDMAT and the schools within it. The Trust Board has several sub-committees with specific responsibilities. The Trust Board and sub-committees work in partnership with the BDMAT Executive Team, School Leadership Teams and Local Academy Boards (LABs) across its family of schools with decisions and responsibilities delegated in accordance with a Scheme of Delegation.
Each school has its own Local Academy Board. The governors who serve on the Local Academy Board are either appointed by the Trust Board, historical foundations (such as the Lady Katherine Leveson Foundation and the Nethersole Foundation) or are staff or parent governors.